Mining & Heavy Construction Projects
Over the past 10 years we have been involved with the construction and/or mining of 7 of the 8 open pit mines that have been active in Central America.
Having built and mined more open pit mines in Central America then any other company means we have a deep understanding of the challenges that starting a mine in this region entails.
Other projects have included widening of a key section of the Panama Canal and over 200 kms of highway construction in Honduras.
Exploration Drilling
In response to a growing demand from the mining industry, Sococo recently launched its newest division the Palo Verde Exploration Drilling Company.
With a fleet of "Man Portable" exploration drills we are now able to offer our clients a way to do extensive core sample drilling with the smallest possible "foot print". With no access roads or large platforms needed we are able to dramatically reduce the area affected by the initial drilling exploration at our client’s sites. This means less mobilization costs, less tree clearing and permitting, less earthmoving, and faster results.