Mining & Heavy Construction Projects

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Publo Viejo Mine.
Pueblo Viejo Mine. Dominican Republic​​

Owner: Pueblo Viejo Dominicana Jersey 2 Limited

Construction contract.

Location: Cotuí, Dominican Republic.

Start date: Jul-2007 up-to-date.

Construction works: Construction of Saddle Dam 1 and Saddle Dam 2; rockfill and common excavation material​

Falcondo Mine.
Falcondo Mine. Dominican Republic​​

Owner: Falconbridge Dominicana S.A.

Nickel mine mining contract.

Location: Bonao, Dominican Republic.

Start date: Aug-2021 to date.

Mining Works: Contract mining of ore and waste.​

Cerros de Maimon Mine.
Cerros de Maimon Mine. Dominican Republic​​

Owner: Corporacion Minera Dominicana S.A. (Globestar Mining Corp.)

Mining & Construction contract, in a Gold & Copper mine.

Location: Maimón, Dominican Republic.

Start date: Jul-2007 up-to-date.

Construction works: Construction of access roads and site prep. Construction of Tailings Dams and Ponds. Mine Pre-stripping.​

Mining works: Contract Mining of all ore and waste.

Pueblo Viejo Mine.
Pueblo Viejo Mine. Dominican Republic​​

Owner: Pueblo Viejo Dominicana Corp.

Mining & Construction contract, in a Copper & Gold mine.

Location: Cotui, Dominican Republic.

Start date: Oct-2012 up-to-date.

Construction works: West and East Coffer Dams and Diversion Channels.​

La Pintada Bypass.
La Pintada Bypass. Panama

Owner: Minera Panama (LAVALIN) - J.V.P.

Construction contract, for La Pintada By-Pass on access road to mine.

Location: La Pintada. Coclé, Panama.

Start date: Sep-2012 up-to-date.

La Esperanza-Camasca road.
Expansion and Improvement of La Esperanza-Camasca road. Honduras

Owner: Astaldi S.p.A-(Sub Contract) SOPTRAVI

Contract for expansion and improvement of La Esperanza-Camasca road.

Location: La Esperanza, Honduras.

Start date: May-2012 up-to-date.

​Erosion and sedimentation control.
​Erosion and sedimentation control. Panama

Owner: Minera Panama (LAVALIN) - J.V.P.

Contract for erosion and sedimentation control, in a Copper Mine.

Location: Donoso, Colón. Panama.

Start date: Abr-2012 up-to-date.

Decal Panama fuel storage facilities expansion. Panama

Owner: Decal Panama, S.A.

Construction contract for earthmoving, drilling and blasting, for expansion of DECAL oil terminal.

Location: Taboguilla island, Panama Bay.

Start date: Dic-2009 Finish date: Jun-2011

Construction works: Earthmoving, drilling and blasting, water and erosion control, slope stabilization, and concrete landing ramps and access roads.

​Decal Panama fuel storage facilities expansion.

La Vegona Hydroelectric Project. Honduras

Owner: Astaldi S.p.A-(Sub Contract) COHERSA

Equipment rental contract, in La Vegona Hydroelectric Project.

Location: La Vegona, Humuya river. Honduras.

Start date: Jun-2011 Finish date: May-2012

​Decal Panama fuel storage facilities expansion.

Closure of Vueltas del Rio Sula Mine. Honduras

Owner: GEOMAQUE Honduras

Earth moving contract, in closure of Vueltas del Rio Sula Mine.

Location: Vueltas del Rio Sula, Honduras.

Start date: Abr-2011 Finish date: Ago-2011

Construction works: 99,000 M3 earth moving works.

Closure of Vueltas del Rio Sula Mine.

Petaquilla Gold Mine. Panama

Owner: Petaquilla Minerals, S.A.

Mining & Construction contract, in a Gold mine.

Location: Colon, Panama.

Start date: Abr-2007 Finish date: Abr-2012

Construction works: Construction of Tailings Dams and Ponds. Mine Pre-stripping.

Mining works: Contract Mining of ore and waste.

Petaquilla Gold Mine.

Agrecasa Aggregates Mine. H​onduras

Owner: Agregados del Caribe S.A de C.V. (AGRECASA)

Mining & Construction contract, in a stone quarry.

Location: Puerto Cortes, Honduras.

Start date: Ene-2007 Finish date: Oct-2012

Construction works: 415.000 m3 of excavation, backfilling and compacting platform area for crushing stone material.

Mining works: Contract Mining.

Agrecasa Aggregates Mine.

El Chaparral Hydroelectric Project. El Salvador​

Owner: Astaldi S.p.A.

Construction contract, in the El Chaparral Hydroelectric Project.

Location: La Libertad, El Salvador.

Start date: Feb-2009 Finish date: Feb-2012

Agrecasa Aggregates Mine.

San Andres Gold Mine. Honduras

Owner: Minerales de Occidente, S.A.

Mining & Construction contract, in a Gold mine.

Location: Cucuyagua, Copan, Honduras.

Start date: 1997 Finish date: 2008

Construction works: Construction of 25kms of access roads. Construction of Leach Pads and Ponds. 2,400,000 M3 (aprox) of excavation and fill for ponds, leach pad, crusher site and conveyor, acces road etc. Crusher Set up.

Mining works: Contract mining of all ore and waste.

San Andres Gold Mine.

Tailings Dam El Mochito Mine. Honduras

Owner: American Pacific Mining (AMPAC).

Construction contract, in a Zinc mine.

Location: El Mochito, Santa Bárbara. Honduras.

Start date: Jan-2005 Finish date: May-2006

Construction works: Construction of Earth fill Tailings Dam. Cut off trench, Coffer Dam, decant. 700,000 m3 earth fill dam structure.

Tailings Dam El Mochito Mine.

Marlin Gold Mine. Guatemala

Owner: Montana Exploraciones (Glamis Gold)

Construction contract, in a Gold mine.

Location: San José, Ixcaniche. Guatemala.

Start date: 2004 Finish date: 2007

Construction works: Construction of access roads and site prep. Construction of Tailings Damn and Ponds. Crusher site construction. Mine Pre-stripping and pit preparation.

Marling Gold Mine.

Bellavista Gold Mine. Costa Rica

Owner: Glencairn / B2Gold

Mining & Construction contract, in a Gold mine.

Location: Puntarenas, Miramar. Costa Rica.

Start date: Dic-2003 Finish date: 2008

Construction works: Construction of access roads and site prep. Construction of Leach Pads and Ponds. Crusher Set up.

Mining works: Contract Mining of all ore and waste.

Bellavista Gold Mine.

San Martin Gold Mine. Honduras

Owner: Glamis Gold.

Mining & Construction contract, in a Gold mine.

Location: San Ignacio, Francisco Morazan. Honduras.

Start date: 2000 Finish date: 2005

Construction works: Construction of access roads and site prep. Construction of Leach Pads and Ponds. Crusher Set up. Mine Pre-stripping and pit preparation.

Mining works: Contract Mining of all ore and waste.

San Martin Gold Mine.

Vueltas del Rio Sula Gold Mine. Honduras.

Owner: GEOMAQUE Honduras.

Mining & Construction contract, in a Gold mine.

Location: Vueltas del Rio Sula, Honduras.

Start date: 1998 Finish date: Mar-2004

Construction works: Construction of access roads and site prep. Construction of Leach Pads and Ponds. Crusher Set up.

Mining works: Contract Mining of all ore and waste.

Vueltas del Rio Sula Gold Mine.

Palin-Escuintla Highway. Guatemala

Owner: Ministerio de Comunicaciones, Transporte y Obras Públicas.

Construction contract, in Palin-Escuintla Highway.

Location: Palin, Guatemala.

Start date: 1996 Finish date: 1998

Construction works: 1,300,000 m3 earth moving and excavation. Drainage pipes, sub-drainage, crushed subbase, crushed base, asphalt, 4 overpasses, 6 vaults, signaling.

Santa Rosa Gold Mine. Panama

Owner: Greenstone Minera.

Construction contract, in a Gold mine.

Location: Cañazas, Veraguas. Panama.

Start date: 1994 Finish date: 1996

Construction works: Construction of access roads and site prep. Construction of Leach Pads. Construction of Process Ponds.

Santa Rosa Gold Mine.

La Loma Coal Mine. Colombia

Owner: Drummond Ltd.

Mining & Construction contract, in a Coal mine, Railroad and Port.

Location: Colombia.

Start date: 1993 Finish date: 1996

Construction works: Complete infrastructure both in the mine and port facility. Construction of access roads and site prep. Construction of Railroad and Port.

Mining works: Initial stripping. Contract Mining.

La Loma Coal Mine.

Panama Canal Expansion. Panama

Owner: Greenstone Minera.

Construction contract for the expansion of a section of the Panama Canal.

Location: Panama Canal.

Start date: 1993 Finish date: 1994

Panama Canal Expansion.

Mame-La Union Road Improvement. Honduras

Owner: Ministerio de Transporte y Comunicaciones.

Construction contract for road improvement, project Mame-La Union.

Location: La Union. Honduras.

Start date: 1992 Finish date: 1994

Construction works: 65 km. roadside cleaning. 750,000 M3 excavation. Rock excavation and shaping berms. 16,000 m gutters. Drainage and concrete.

Mame-La Union Road.

Cerrejon Coal Mine. Colombia

Owner: Exxon Mobil.

Mining & Construction contract, in a Coal mine.

Location: La Guajira, Colombia.

Start date: 1989 Finish date: 2000

Construction works: Construction of access roads and site prep. Construction of Railroad and Port. Aggregate production.

Mining works: Sococo S.A. completed a 10 year contract with Exxon in 2002 for stripping and coal extraction. Monthly production averaged more than 1,000,000 M3. Additionally, railroad and road ballast was produced for the mine on a 12 year contract.

Cerrejon Coal Mine.

Tavera-Bao Hydroelectric Dam. Dominican Republic.

Owner: Corporacion Dominicana de Electricidad.

Construction contract in Tavera-Bao Hydroelectric Project.

Location: Tavera Bao, Dominican Republic.

Start date: 1978 Finish date: 1983

Construction works: 110m high earth fill dam. 4,800,000 m3 earthmoving. 30,000 m3 concrete. 356 meter long diversion tunnel.

Tavera-Bao Hydroelectric Dam.

Arenal Hydroelectric Dam. Costa Rica.

Owner: Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad.

Construction contract in Arenal Hydroelectric project.

Location: Arenal, Costa Rica.

Start date: 1976 Finish date: 1978

Construction works: Construction of 60m high earth fill dam. 5,300,000 m3 earthmoving.

Arenal Hydroelectric Dam.